
★ Kaito Kid - Moonlight Shadow

Shinichi value.Life review,MEET GOD,MEET MIRACLE.Saibaba,Ho no Hana.No relation to cult,only books studying.No relation to cult.Gatherning imformation.Collecting infomation.Shinichi room,COMPO.CD.Now PC internet music.Chosen one is star wars word line.Harry Potter,Chosen one. Shinichi and Jun.Occupation is post officer blue color,Hitachi relation.Post officer blue color,midnight worker.Hitachi relation.Next to me Uemura.Uemura stole ID and changed.Two Shinichi Okamoto exist in Chida seminar at OB party.2007,post officer,same time Sony entrance professor.

My occupation is post officer,bought Toshiba PC,Toshiba PC had speaker in PC itself.I write internet site at Chiba mansion studying room.Sony monitoring my room my PC.

I write this site at Chiba mansion.Sony room theater is monitorning my note PC.Toshiba PC was broken and my sister gave me Sony PC.Sony PC,headphone,speaker exist.Chiba mansion studying room.

I use Net cafe.Media cafe Popeye Chiba open seat.

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