

My favorite comic.I`m interested in moving story.Joy or delightful.Actor,actress,movie,story.Music. Objection exist.Authority,school like music.Morality in music.Comics or TV programs which imply miracle are many. I like delightful Music .Delightful musics are suggested as radical.

I like comics and internet,movies.Generally speaking,movies are watched at movies theater.I like YouTube movies.YouTube movie uploaders combine movie and music with special software.

I only watch YouTube movies.When I watched Star Wars,theme song Love Theme remains me.In YouTube search box,keyword is "Star Wars Love Theme"."Harry Potter trance"is YouTube search engine keyword.

When I watched YouTube movies with jumping movies one another,I met Moonlight Shadow Kaito Kid.

So I share this movie.Keywords are AMV,trance,My favorite artists name,My favorite comics name,charactor name.I share YouTube movies or I make link switch to YouTube movies.I make sites that describe My life review,how to meet miracle theory.

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